New Born Photography

Tips for a Great Newborn Session

Over the course of 8 years taking newborn photos, as well as becoming a mother myself in 2019, I have picked up a few tricks along the way. Here are my 7 tips for a successful newborn photoshoot!

Pro Tip #1

Have them dressed in your favorite outfit or swaddle before I arrive. If they are milk drunk and cozy, the last thing we want to do is wake them, to dress them.

Of course we don’t want them to spit up on the cute outfit/onesie, so cover them with a swaddle or large enough burp cloth to protect their clothing, until we are ready to start shooting. If they have a blowout diaper… there isn’t much we can do about that! So we will just roll with it. :) The good news is, they will look so cute in just about anything!

2: Make Sure the Room is Warm Enough

We want them to feel warm and cozy, even when you place them down for some solo pictures. If your body is nice and warm, and the room has a chill, it will be more likely to disturb them. If it is the winter time it could be good to use a space heater in the room you plan on shooting in. You want it to be warm enough that you are comfortable/warm in just a t-shirt. If you are worried about it being too cold, let me know and I can bring a heater.

3: Choose Just Two-Three Outfits for Baby

Newborns don’t seem to like to be changed over and over. Changing diapers, or outfits can disturb them, and it can be hard to get them relaxed again. So the less outfit changes the better.

Also, when choosing your clothing options, less is more. A simple onesie, diaper, or swaddle is often best. Shoes, overalls, and fluffy dresses are cute on toddlers, but they will coverup a newborn, be likely to scrunch up, and it wont look great in photos.

Clothing Tips: Avoid wording, logos, busy patterns, and lots of bold colors (This goes for clothing for the whole family, not just baby.) Neutral colors will help baby stand out, and make for a more timeless look.

4: Be Prepared for Baby to be More Hungry Than Ever!

I have no idea why, but we are always shocked at how often baby wants to feed during a photoshoot. I guess being a model is just hard work! Newborn shoots are extra long to allow a slow pace and to let them have plenty of milk breaks.

This doesn’t always mean less photos. Whether you are nursing or bottle feeding, it’s a special bond that I am happy to photograph as well.

5: Choose the Best Room (or Rooms) for Photos

Notice the light in your home, and move any clutter from the room you hope to take pictures in.

We can take all of the photos in one room, or use many rooms of your home. Nice window light is key! The nursery is often a great place. Also, on the parent’s bed and in the living room. For more of a lifestyle/editorial shoot, the kitchen can be the best place to capture those authentic family moments.

I will of course help you decide what room to start in or focus on when I arrive for our shoot! :)

6: Don’t Be Sorry!!!

Don’t stress, I know having a newborn is a lot to handle. So if there are dishes in the sink, laundry on the floor, and breast pump parts on the coffee table, cool! There should be! :) I have been there! I get it.

If your little one is crying and we are having a tough time getting them to settle… don’t be sorry. This all comes with the territory. I got you!

7: Have a Basket or Two on Hand

As you might know I don’t use “props”, (signs and backdrops or oversized toys). But a basket is a beautiful way to capture newborns. I can always bring my Moses Basket, and I have some special pillows that will help us support baby, and make him/her nice and cozy. If you have some baskets at home, or want to pick one up at the store Target and Homegoods have some good finds.

Have more Questions?

Check out my FAQ page! :) General questions at the top, and newborn specific questions at the bottom of the page.

Photographer For Life

The only compliment better than being recommended to friends and family, is to be called back to photograph another chapter of a couple’s love story.

When I photographed this family last weekend, I remember the look in their eyes, when they looked at each other on their engagement shoot, back in 2012. Their minds filled with the possibilities, of “imagine when…” and “what if we…”. And BOOM, the dream is reality..

Love, commitment, growth, then family…

And when these little ones arrive, love takes on a whole new meaning. And that person who makes you laugh, isn’t just there for the fun times. Now you have history together. Hard times, busy schedules, and routine changes us, but it all comes back to this… Two people dreaming of how wonderful life could be, when spending it together.

Change doesn't happen over night, but sometimes it feels like it does. Meeting my husband feels like a life time ago, but still vivid enough to feel like it was only yesterday. I was so naive to the fact that my whole life just changed in that instant. And here we are, almost four years married, and our son in my arms. The cycle of life is profound, I am so thankful that I get to capture it.

If This Bunny Could Talk!

I had to hold back tears when I unwrapped this soft little bunny, and gave it a hug for the first time. My sister Amanda, hand made it for my son before he was born.

If his bunny could talk, it might say…

“You were so small, and I blinked my eyes and now you are bigger than I am! You are getting so strong, and soon you will be dragging me by the arm on so many adventures.”

A few months later, I placed baby Amir next to his bunny, and was shocked at how small he was compared to it. Each month I photograph Amir with his bunny, and it shows not only how he is growing in size, but where he is at developmentally. He recently turned six months old, and I could no longer get him to stay still or lay on his back.

I have now added a photography package called “Milestones”. So that parents can capture their teeny tiny new born, their awakening 2-4 month old, their sitting and smiling 6 month old, and their cake smashing, wobbly walking one year old! Each of these chapters in the first year are so special and unique from one another. It is almost like a new person emerges with each phase. I recommend that parents choose an item for us to photograph their baby with, and that object will tell a story! … You were once tiny, then you grew, and grew, and grew! :)

Contact me for more info on Milestones photo packages!

Bunny Milestones.jpg

If you enjoy this post, you might also like, Please Don’t Grow.

Please Don't Grow

How can your heart grow bigger and break apart all at the same time? Just have a baby, and watch them grow.

My friend Jenn said it perfectly,

“Parenting is a continual process of letting go and welcoming the new”.

Having a baby is the perfect metaphor for time passing. No matter how tight we hold them, and no matter how deeply we look into their eyes, we cannot hold onto time.

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Perhaps that’s why I love photography so much.

It is the closest thing we can do, to hold onto time. To at the very least, take a little trip back into our memories.

Haven’t we all tried to stop time? Like, when we were on a date, young and in love, and we knew it had to come to an end, but we just wanted to kiss in the parking lot a little bit longer. Or when on vacation, and the sun and the breeze mixed together in a way, that just made us want to melt into the waves, and never ever worry about real life again!

Children remind us just how quickly time is moving… It already feels like a dream that we felt that first kick inside our bellies. Before we know it, that moment of holding their helpless newborn body to our chest, is a distant memory as well.

“It goes so fast”, EVERYONE tells you this, but still …it’s so so fast. It’s almost too fast to bear.

As I fold up the onesie that was once too big, but is already too small, I say to my baby out loud, “please don’t grow”. But of course, I don’t really mean that. Watching our little ones grow is a one of life’s greatest blessings. But I know, one day, when my little baby is a grown man, I’ll pull that tiny onesie out of the box… I will fall to my knees, press it to my face, and my heart will break and fill with gratitude all at once.