About Your Photographer

Lifestyle storyteller, capturing light, movement, feelings and vibes.

Sarah (Ginder) Awad

I find the greatest pleaser in the simple things, like melted butter on bread, watering my house plants, and dancing in my kitchen. If I am not at Trader Joe’s you can find me in Jiu Jitsu class. I sculpt, I love to travel, and I haven’t fully given up on my childhood dream of living in a tree house.

After marrying my husband Abraham, “Sarah Ginder” became “Mrs. Awad”. My life changed that day, but my business name stayed the same. 

Working Mama

I'm a full time photographer, and a full time mama. I serve my clients by tapping into their story, and the root of what makes THEIR heart feel full. While also, protecting space to splash, play, snuggle, sing, and explore life with my son. Motherhood makes me a better photographer; a better human. And stepping away from my parenting duties to create my art and share experiences with other people, makes me a better mom.

Where as motherhood feels innate (difficult!… but innate), photography was something I worked at for 10 years (And I am still working on, of course!). I have a BFA focused in photography (And ceramics and dance, because I love everything!), and then went off to find the best photographers to study under.

Follow my journey through my instagram stories!

Nature Lover

I can’t imagine being a photographer without the help of mother nature. The natural sunlight, the lush green trees… I love this planet!

I do my best to be conscious of the footprint I leave. I hope to make waves in this world when it comes to making people feel loved and seen, but I don’t want to leave a mountain of plastic waist.

Come hang out with me in the woods!

Have you checked out my blog?

It might BEST place to get to know me. :)

Its a Photography/ Wedding/ Mom Life/ Random thoughts on life kinda Blog! You can learn about my clay sculptures, and I share my thoughts on how I have made an effort to reduce my plastic use.

I outline lots of practical tips for wedding planning, as well as answer FAQs. I pour my heart out as an emotional new mama, and get supper personal with my birth story. :)